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The most commonly used workers compensation and employers liability insurance policy is WC000000B (or the pre-2011 version WC000000A), which is published by the NCCI. This policy is widely used even in states that allow insurers to use other forms.
Part One of the policy, workers compensation coverage, affords state required benefits to employees
injured on the job.
Part Two provides coverage for the insured’s legal liability for employment related bodily injury or disease other than workers compensation benefits. This exclusive remedy is the basic
premise of the workers compensation system in the United States. That is, it is based on the idea that
workers compensation benefits are workers’ “exclusive remedy” for injuries sustained on the job.
Injured workers are provided with certain benefits, regardless of negligence. In exchange, they give
up the right to sue the employer for damages in connection with work-related injury. This remains the basis of most state compensation laws.
Workers compensation laws exclude certain employees. Federal programs cover some of these workers. Some may sue their employer to obtain recovery for work-related injuries.
Make sure your policy contains Other States Coverage for Incidental Exposures
“Other states insurance” coverage is included the standard NCCI workers compensation and
employers liability policy (WC000000B) as Part Three. It affords coverage for an insured’s
employees while traveling through or temporarily working in states other than the states listed in Item
3.A of the information page. For other states coverage to apply, however, one or more states must be specifically listed in Item 3.C of the information page of the policy. Part Three extends coverage such that if the insured employer begins work in any of the states listed after the effective date of the policy and is not otherwise insured (or self-insured) for that work, then the policy applies as if that state were listed in Item 3.A. of the information page.
Some insurance companies may not be willing to write blanket other states coverage. In some instances, an insurer may agree to provide other states insurance coverage in a state where it is not licensed to write workers compensation coverage. If a workers compensation claim is brought in such a state, the insurance company will generally be unable to pay benefits directly to the injured employee, which leaves the employer with the responsibility of paying the benefits. However, in that instance, the insurer agrees to reimburse the insured for the benefits required by the workers compensation law of that state.
Be Sure To List States of New Permanent Operations
The NCCI workers compensation and employers liability policy covers the insured’s workplaces
listed in Items 1 (the insured’s mailing address) and 4 (premium and audit information) on the
information page. It also covers all other workplaces located in states listed in Item 3.A of the
information page (unless such workplaces are insured elsewhere or are self-insured). As explained
above, other states insurance covers additional states where the insured begins operations after the policy inception date, but only if that state is listed in Item 3.C of the information page. No other states are covered. If the insured begins work in a state not listed in Item 3.A or Item 3.C, any injuries that occur in that state will not be covered.
Although the consequences of failure to notify the insurer “at once” during the policy term of any
new operations in “other states” are not spelled out, there can be no doubt about the consequences of failure to notify the insurer of operations that are ongoing in an “other state” as of the inception date of the policy: if the insurer is not informed within 30 days of policy inception, there is no coverage for that state.
Our professional brokers, agents and Workers Compensation Companies will be happy to design a policy to fit your company needs and help protect you against lawsuits. Go to our business insurance near you quote request/contact page and get well covered.
Because of the accountability, compassion, customer-focus, dedication, integrity and professionalism of our outstanding staff, we are meeting or exceeding all of our professional targets. We are making a difference in the lives of injured and ill workers and their families who rely on our insured coverages for financial support and medical care. Our leadership is continually identifying “our next steps” as we move forward in the accurate, complete and timely provision of benefits to our covered workers and their families.
Commercial Insurance Near Me offers commercial insurance options custom designed to insure your business in case of employee injuries, accidents, property damage, legal liability, business auto, employee-related risks, loss prevention and more.
Visit the Department Of Labor website to learn more.
Listing of each US State Workers Compensation Agency:
Department of Labor
Workers’ Compensation Division
649 Monroe Street
Montgomery, AL 36131
(334) 242-2868 or 1-800-528-5166
Department of Labor & Workforce Development
Division of Workers’ Compensation
1111 West 8th Street, Room 307
P. O. Box 115512
Juneau, AK 99811-5512
(907) 465-2790 or 1-877-783-4980
Industrial Commission of Arizona
Claims Division
800 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(602) 542-4661
Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission
324 Spring Street
P. O. Box 950
Little Rock, AR 72203-0950
(501) 682-3930 or 1-800-622-4472
Department of Industrial Relations
Division of Workers’ Compensation
455 Golden Gate Avenue, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102-7014
(415) 703-5020 or 1-800-736-7401
Department of Labor and Employment
Division of Workers’ Compensation
633 17th Street, Suite 400
Denver, CO 80202-3660
(303) 318-8700 or 1-888-390-7936
Workers’ Compensation Commission
Capitol Place
21 Oak Street
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 493-1500 or 1-800-223-9675 (Toll-Free in Connecticut)
Department of Labor
Division of Industrial Affairs
Office of Workers’ Compensation
4425 North Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19802
(302) 761-8200
Department of Employment Services
Labor Standards Bureau
Office of Workers’ Compensation
4058 Minnesota Avenue, N.E., 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20019
(202) 671-1000
Department of Financial Services
Division of Workers’ Compensation
200 East Gaines Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-4220
Georgia State Board of Workers’ Compensation
270 Peachtree Street, NW
Atlanta, GA 30303-1299
(404) 656-3818 or 1-800-533-0682
Workers’ Compensation Commission
(671) 475-7033
Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
Disability Compensation Division
Princess Keelikolani Building
830 Punchbowl Street, Room 209
P. O. Box 3769
Honolulu, HI 96812-3769
(808) 586-9161
Industrial Commission
700 South Clearwater Lane
P. O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0041
(208) 334-6000
Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission
100 West Randolph Street
Suite 8-200
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 814-6611 or 1-866-352-3033 (Toll-Free in Illinois)
Workers’ Compensation Board of Indiana
402 West Washington Street
Room W-196
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 232-3808 or 1-800-824-2667 (Outside Indianapolis)
Iowa Workforce Development
Division of Workers’ Compensation
1000 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319-0209
(515) 725-4120 or 800-645-4583
Department of Labor
Division of Workers’ Compensation
401 SW Topeka Blvd, Suite 2
Topeka, KS 66603-3105
(785) 296-4000 option 9 or (800) 332-0353 option 9
Kentucky Labor Cabinet
Department of Workers’ Claims
657 Chamberlin Avenue
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-5550 or 1-800-554-8601
Louisiana Workforce Commission
Office of Workers’ Compensation
1001 North 23rd Street
P.O. Box 94040
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9040
(225) 342-7555
Workers’ Compensation Board
27 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0027
(207) 287-3751 or 1-888-801-9087 (Toll-Free in Maine)
Workers’ Compensation Commission
10 East Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 864-5100 or 1-800-492-0479 (Outside Baltimore)
Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
Department of Industrial Accidents
1 Congress Street, Suite 100
Boston, MA 02114-2017
(617) 727-4900 or 1-800-323-3249
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Workers’ Compensation Agency
7150 Harris Drive, 1st Floor
P. O. Box 30016
Lansing, MI 48909
Department of Labor and Industry
Workers’ Compensation Division
443 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 284-5005 or 1-800-342-5354
Workers’ Compensation Commission
1428 Lakeland Drive
P. O. Box 5300
Jackson, MS 39296-5300
(601) 987-4200 or 1-866-473-6922
Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
Division of Workers’ Compensation
3315 West Truman Blvd., Room 131
P. O. Box 58
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0058
(573) 751-4231 or 1-800-775-2667
Department of Labor and Industry
Employment Relations Division
Workers’ Compensation Claims Assistance Bureau
1805 Prospect Avenue
P. O. Box 8011
Helena, MT 59604-8011
(406) 444-6543
Workers’ Compensation Court
P. O. Box 98908
Lincoln, NE 68509-8908
(402) 471-6468 or 1-800-599-5155
Department of Business & Industry
Division of Industrial Relations
400 W. King Street, Suite 400
Carson City, NV 89703
(775) 684-7260
Workers’ Compensation Division
Department of Labor
95 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-3176 or 1-800-272-4353
Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Division of Workers’ Compensation
P. O. Box 381
Trenton, NJ 08625-0381
(609) 292-2515
Workers’ Compensation Administration
2410 Centre Avenue, SE
P. O. Box 27198
Albuquerque, NM 87125-7198
(505) 841-6000 or 1-800-255-7965
Workers’ Compensation Board
20 Park Street
Albany, NY 12207
(518) 462-8880 or (877) 632-4996
Industrial Commission
4340 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-4340
(919) 807-2501 or 1-800-688-8349
Workforce Safety and Insurance
1600 East Century Avenue, Suite 1
Bismarck, ND 58503-0644
(701) 328-3800 or 1-800-777-5033
Bureau of Workers’ Compensation
30 West Spring Street
Columbus, OH 43215-2256
Workers’ Compensation Court
1915 North Stiles Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
(405) 522-8600 or 1-800-522-8210
Workers’ Compensation Division
350 Winter Street, NE
P.O. Box 14480
Salem, OR 97309-0405
(503) 947-7585 or 1-800-452-0288
Bureau of Workers’ Compensation
Department of Labor and Industry
1171 S. Cameron Street, Rm. 324
Harrisburg, PA 17104-2501
(717) 783-5421 or 1-800-482-2383
Industrial Commission
P.O. Box 364466
San Juan, PR 00924
(787) 781-0545
Department of Labor & Training
Division of Workers’ Compensation
1511 Pontiac Ave., Building 71-1, 1st Floor
P. O. Box 20190
Cranston, RI 02920-0942
(401) 462-8100
Workers’ Compensation Commission
1333 Main Street, Suite 500
P. O. Box 1715
Columbia, SC 29202-1715
(803) 737-5700
Department of Labor and Regulation
Division of Labor & Management
700 Governors Dr., Kneip Bldg.
Pierre, SD 57501-2291
(605) 773-3681
Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Division of Workers’ Compensation
220 French Landing Drive
Nashville, TN 37243-1002
(615) 532-4812 or 1-800-332-2667
Department of Insurance
Division of Workers’ Compensation
7551 Metro Center Drive, Ste. 100
Austin, TX 78744-1609
(512) 804-4000 or 1-800-252-7031
Labor Commission
Division of Industrial Accidents
160 East 300 South, 3rd Floor
P. O. Box 146610
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6610
(801) 530-6800 or 1-800-530-5090
Department of Labor
Workers’ Compensation Division
National Life Building, Drawer 20
Montpelier, VT 05620-3401
(802) 828-2286 or 1-800-734-2286
Workers’ Compensation Commission
1000 DMV Drive
Richmond, VA 23220
Department of Labor
Workers’ Compensation Administration
53 AB & 54 ABB Kronprindsens Gade
Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, VI 00803
(340) 776-3700 or 800-809-8477
Department of Labor and Industries
Insurance Services Division
7273 Linderson Way, SW
Tumwater, WA 98501-5414
(360) 902-5800 or 1-800-547-8367
*mailing address
P. O. Box 44000
Olympia, WA 98504-4000
Offices of the Insurance Commission
1124 Smith Street
P.O. Box 50540
Charleston, WV 25305-0540
(304) 558-3386 or 1-888-879-9842
Department of Workforce Development
Workers’ Compensation Division
201 East Washington Avenue
P. O. Box 7901
Madison, WI 53707-7901
(608) 266-1340
Department of Workforce Services
Workers’ Compensation Division
1510 East Pershing Boulevard
Cheyenne, WY 82002
(307) 777-5476